SWORD 2.0 Technical Lead: Richard Jones, Cottage Labs
SWORD 2.0 Community Manager: Stuart Lewis, University of Auckland
SWORD 2.0 Technical Advisory Group
Julie Allinson, University of York
Tim Brody, University of Southampton
David Flanders, JISC
Graham Klyne, University of Oxford
Alister Miles, University of Oxford
Ben O'Steen, Cottage Labs
Mark MacGillivray, Cottage Labs
Rob Sanderson, LANL
Nick Sheppard, Leeds Metropolitan University
Eddie Shin, MediaShelf
Ian Stuart, University of Edinburgh
Ed Summers, Library of Congress
David Tarrant, University of Southampton
Graham Triggs, BioMed Central
Scott Wilson, University of Bolton
Further acknowledgements of input
Aaron Birkland (Cornell University), Tim Donohue (DuraSpace), Jim Downing (University of Cambridge), Ross Gardler (OSS Watch), Steve Midgley (US Department of Education), Glen Robson (National Library of Wales), Peter Sefton (University Of Southern Queensland), Adrian Stevenson (UKOLN), Paul Walk (UKOLN), Nigel Ward (University of Queensland)
The Atom Publishing Protocol ([AtomPub]) provides a simple, extensible mechanism for the creation of Web Resources. The first major version of SWORD [SWORD 1.3] built upon the Resouce creation aspects of AtomPub to enable package deposit onto a server.
This approach of fire-and-forget deposit, where the depositor has no further interaction with the server is of significant value in certain use cases, but there are others where this is insufficient. Consider, for example, that the depositor wishes to construct a digital artifact file by file over a period of time before deciding that it is time to archive it. In these cases, a higher level of interactivity between the participating systems is required, and this is the role that SWORD 2.0 is intended to fulfil.
The SWORD 2.0 profile continues to build upon AtomPub and HTTP ([RFC2616]) through the inclusion of the Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations of AtomPub, in order to enable the following kinds of interactions:
The role that SWORD aims to fulfil is that of a thin integration layer between any two scholarly systems aiming to exchange content, but not to provide tight integration between them. For standards to integrate detailed content management operations it is recommended to look at OASIS CMIS [CMIS], or the GData API [GData]. In contrast to these, SWORD is a deposit lifecycle standard, which supports the users and the participating systems in effectively exchanging content. Most of the enhancements in SWORD 2.0 over SWORD 1.3 are around closing the deposit loop to give the client software the opportunity to provider a richer environment to the user.
The scope of SWORD v2 will be limited to the deposit process between any two scholarly systems or between a user facing system and a service provider. This deposit process is only a portion of the full content lifecycle and does not attempt to provide support for collaborative or distributed authoring environments or policy management; it is focused entirely on the process of moving content from one location to another.
The deposit lifecycle encompasses the process of delivering content to a SWORD server which may have an ingest workflow in place. The content that has been deposited is then considered to be in the deposit process for the duration of that ingest workflow, during which time the client system may wish to interact with the submission. It may be that the client needs to make changes to the submission during the workflow process, either autonomously or when prompted for additional input by the server. Or it may be that the client wants to track the progress of the submission, at its leisure. Eventually the content will be formally accepted into the system and the client needs a way to know that this is happened and a route to follow to locate the deposited content.
The practical details of the extensions used in the SWORD Profile are provided in the following Internet Drafts:
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
Throughout this document we will regularly refer to identifiers which are used by SWORD. The following IRIs are part of the specification:
Note that although there are 7 IRIs defined above, only 2 of them are added by SWORD: State-IRI and SE-IRI, the rest are replicated from [AtomPub] and are labelled here for convenience. Furthermore, the SE-IRI MAY be the same as the Edit-IRI. Meanwhile the EM-IRI may be the same as the Cont-IRI, so implementers can implement the entire specification with only 5 differentiable IRIs.
All SWORD extensions are defined within the namespace:
Beneath this URI, we use the following extensions for the various parts of the standard:
For all predicates associated with SWORD:
This document uses the prefix sword for this namespace name; for example sword:originalDeposit
Root registry for any SWORD recognised package formats including "zip" and "binary":
Root namespace for any Error documents which SWORD can produce:
Root namespace for any State terms that SWORD wishes to provide:
The AtomPub [AtomPub] namespace is:
This document uses the prefix app for the namespace name; for example app:collection.
The Atom Syndication Format [Atom] namespace is:
This document uses the prefix atom for the namespace name; for example atom:feed
The DCMI Terms [DublinCore] namespace is:
This document uses the prefix dcterms for the namespace name; for example dcterms:title
The RDF [RDF] namespace is:
This document uses the prefix rdf for the namespace name; for example rdf:Description
The OAI-ORE [OAIORE] namespace is:
This document uses the prefix ore for the namespace name; for example ore:aggregates
The packaging format which represents a binary file which should not be unpacked by the server
The primitive SWORD packaging format, which represents a plain ZIP file during resource creation or update, and in Atom Multipart [AtomMultipart] deposit indicates that the Media Part is a plain ZIP file.
While specific HTTP status codes are used below, a SWORD client should be prepared to handle any status code as per the HTTP status code definitions [RFC2616]
The client may also supply the On-Behalf-Of header [SWORD001] to provide the username of a target user on whose behalf a deposit will be made. See Section 8: Authentication and Mediated Deposit for more details.
GET SD-IRI HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Host: example.org On-Behalf-Of: [username]
When a server that supports mediated deposit receives an On-Behalf-Of header [SWORD001], the returned Service Document SHOULD identify only those collections to which the combination of mediated user and authenticated user might successfully deposit. If the target server does not support mediated deposit, the returned Service Document SHOULD contain a sword:mediation [SWORD002] extension element with a value of false.
The service document supplied in response MUST meet the following criteria in addition to those specified in [AtomPub]:
HTTP 1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml <?xml version="1.0" ?> <service xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:sword="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"> <sword:version>2.0</sword:version> <sword:maxUploadSize>16777216</sword:maxUploadSize> <workspace> <atom:title>Main Site</atom:title> <collection href="http://swordapp.org/col-iri/43"> <atom:title>Collection 43</atom:title> <accept>*/*</accept> <accept alternate="multipart-related">*/*</accept> <sword:collectionPolicy>Collection Policy</sword:collectionPolicy> <dcterms:abstract>Collection Description</dcterms:abstract> <sword:mediation>false</sword:mediation> <sword:treatment>Treatment description</sword:treatment> <sword:acceptPackaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip</sword:acceptPackaging> <sword:acceptPackaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/METSDSpaceSIP</sword:acceptPackaging> <sword:service>http://swordapp.org/sd-iri/e4</sword:service> </collection> </workspace> </service>
The following requirements are placed on the client in receipt of a service document:
AtomPub states that Collection Resources MUST provide representations in the form of Atom Feed Documents. Under the SWORD profile, implementations SHOULD provide such representations. Clients MUST NOT require a Collection Feed Document for deposit operation.
The client can create a resource by POSTing the binary content as the body of an HTTP request to the Col-IRI, with the Content-Type, Content-Disposition, and Packaging headers, with the following requirements:
POST Col-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Content-Type: application/zip Content-Length: [content length] Content-MD5: [md5-digest] Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=[filename] Packaging: http://purl.org/net/sword/package/METSDSpaceSIP In-Progress: true On-Behalf-Of: jbloggs Slug: [suggested identifier] [request entity]
The requirements placed on the server here are:
Once the server has processed the request it SHOULD return a Deposit Receipt as described in Section 10: Deposit Receipt with the HTTP status code 201 (Created). The Deposit Receipt MUST be available under the Edit-IRI (Member Entry IRI), as supplied in the Location header.
For example:
201 Created Location: [Edit-IRI] [optional Deposit Receipt]
In order to ensure that all SWORD clients and servers can exchange a full range of file content and metadata, the use of Atom Multipart [AtomMultipart] is permitted to combine a package (possibly a simple ZIP) with a set of Dublin Core metadata terms [DublinCore] embedded in an Atom Entry.
The SWORD server is not required to support packaging formats, but this profile RECOMMENDS that the server be able to accept a ZIP file as the Media Part of an Atom Multipart request (See Section 5: IRIs and Section 7: Packaging for more details).
The client can create a resource by POSTing a multipart mime message to the Col-IRI with two parts: An Atom Entry containing the metadata for the deposit (known as the Entry Part), and the binary content as the second part (known as the Media Part), with the following requirements:
For example:
POST Col-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Content-Length: [content length] Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="===============1605871705=="; type="application/atom+xml" In-Progress: true On-Behalf-Of: jbloggs Slug: [suggested identifier] MIME-Version: 1.0 Media Post --===============1605871705== Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset="utf-8" Content-Disposition: attachment; name="atom" MIME-Version: 1.0 <?xml version="1.0"?> <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"> <title>Title</title> <id>urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a</id> <updated>2005-10-07T17:17:08Z</updated> <author><name>Contributor</name></author> <summary type="text">The abstract</summary> <!-- some embedded metadata --> <dcterms:abstract>The abstract</dcterms:abstract> <dcterms:accessRights>Access Rights</dcterms:accessRights> <dcterms:alternative>Alternative Title</dcterms:alternative> <dcterms:available>Date Available</dcterms:available> <dcterms:bibliographicCitation>Bibliographic Citation</dcterms:bibliographicCitation> <dcterms:contributor>Contributor</dcterms:contributor> <dcterms:description>Description</dcterms:description> <dcterms:hasPart>Has Part</dcterms:hasPart> <dcterms:hasVersion>Has Version</dcterms:hasVersion> <dcterms:identifier>Identifier</dcterms:identifier> <dcterms:isPartOf>Is Part Of</dcterms:isPartOf> <dcterms:publisher>Publisher</dcterms:publisher> <dcterms:references>References</dcterms:references> <dcterms:rightsHolder>Rights Holder</dcterms:rightsHolder> <dcterms:source>Source</dcterms:source> <dcterms:title>Title</dcterms:title> <dcterms:type>Type</dcterms:type> </entry> --===============1605871705== Content-Type: application/zip Content-Disposition: attachment; name=payload; filename=[filename] Packaging: http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip Content-MD5: [md5-digest] MIME-Version: 1.0 [...binary package data...] --===============1605871705==--
The requirements placed on the server here are:
Once the server has processed the request it SHOULD return a Deposit Receipt as described in Section 10: Deposit Receipt with the HTTP status code 201 (Created). The Deposit Receipt MUST be available under the Edit-IRI (Member Entry IRI), as supplied in the Location header.
For example:
201 Created Location: [Edit-IRI] [optional Deposit Receipt]
Clients can create a container within a SWORD server and optionally provide it with metadata without adding any binary content to it. This is done by POSTing an Atom Entry to the Col-IRI with the following requirements:
For example:
POST Col-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Content-Length: [content length] Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=entry In-Progress: true On-Behalf-Of: jbloggs Slug: [suggested identifier] <?xml version="1.0"?> <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"> <title>Title</title> <id>urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a</id> <updated>2005-10-07T17:17:08Z</updated> <author><name>Contributor</name></author> <summary type="text">The abstract</summary> <!-- some embedded metadata --> <dcterms:abstract>The abstract</dcterms:abstract> <dcterms:accessRights>Access Rights</dcterms:accessRights> <dcterms:alternative>Alternative Title</dcterms:alternative> <dcterms:available>Date Available</dcterms:available> <dcterms:bibliographicCitation>Bibliographic Citation</dcterms:bibliographicCitation> <dcterms:contributor>Contributor</dcterms:contributor> <dcterms:description>Description</dcterms:description> <dcterms:hasPart>Has Part</dcterms:hasPart> <dcterms:hasVersion>Has Version</dcterms:hasVersion> <dcterms:identifier>Identifier</dcterms:identifier> <dcterms:isPartOf>Is Part Of</dcterms:isPartOf> <dcterms:publisher>Publisher</dcterms:publisher> <dcterms:references>References</dcterms:references> <dcterms:rightsHolder>Rights Holder</dcterms:rightsHolder> <dcterms:source>Source</dcterms:source> <dcterms:title>Title</dcterms:title> <dcterms:type>Type</dcterms:type> </entry>
The requirements placed on the server here are:
Once the server has processed the request it SHOULD return a Deposit Receipt as described in Section 10: Deposit Receipt with the HTTP status code 201 (Created). The Deposit Receipt MUST be available under the Edit-IRI (Member Entry IRI), as supplied in the Location header.
For example:
201 Created Location: [Edit-IRI] [optional Deposit Receipt]
The Deposit Receipt contains two IRIs which can be used to retrieve content from the server: Cont-IRI and EM-IRI. These are provided in the atom:content@src element and the atom:link@rel="edit-media" elements respectively. Their only functional difference is that the client MUST NOT carry out any HTTP operations other than GET on the Cont-IRI, while all operations are permitted on the EM-IRI. It is acceptable, but not required, that both IRIs to be the same, and in this section we refer only to the EM-IRI but in all cases it can be substituted for the Cont-IRI.
The Deposit Receipt contains zero or more sword:packaging elements [SWORD002], indicating to the client what package formats can be retrieved from the server. For example:
<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sword="http://purl.org/net/sword/"> [...] <content type="application/zip" src="http://swordapp.org/cont-IRI/43/my_deposit"/> <link rel="edit-media" href="http://swordapp.org/em-IRI/43/my_deposit"/> <sword:packaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip</sword:packaging> <sword:packaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/METSDSpaceSIP</sword:packaging> <sword:packaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/BagIt</sword:packaging> </entry>
Requests to retrieve the Media Resource here refer to the Media Resource as a whole, as per [AtomPub], and not to any of the component parts of a complex Media Resource. That is, the response to a request for the Media Resource should be considered a representation of the entire content of the object on the server, and it is not permissable to attempt to content negotiate for a particular part of the Media Resource. Implementers who wish to access the parts of a Media Resource should see Section 6.4.1. Atom Feed Representations of Media Resources below.
To retrieve the content in the desired packaging format, the client makes an HTTP GET request to the EM-IRI and MAY supply an Accept-Packaging header [SWORD001] with the IRI from one of the sword:packaging elements.
If the content is not in a publicly available space on the server, the user agent may be required to authenticate. In these cases the client MAY supply the On-Behalf-Of header [SWORD001] for informational purposes.
The server will respond in different ways depending on a number of conditions:
Upon receiving a successful response, if no Packaging header is provided in the response the client SHOULD assume that it is a SimpleZip.
For more details about the packaging process, see Section 7: Packaging
It is RECOMMENDED that implementations provide an EM-IRI in the Deposit Receipt with a type of application/atom+xml;type=feed in addition to any other types available.
For example:
<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sword="http://purl.org/net/sword/"> [...] <link rel="edit-media" href="http://swordapp.org/em-IRI/43/my_deposit"/> <link rel="edit-media" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" href="http://swordapp.org/em-IRI/43/my_deposit.feed"/> [...] </entry>
The exact contents of the Feed representation are unspecified, but it is RECOMMENDED that this is a list of atom:entry elements which represent the individual media items which together form the Media Resource.
NOTE that this is not the same as the Statement, which is a representation of the entire object on the server, not just the Media Resource. See Section 11: The SWORD Statement for details
The client can replace the existing content of a resource by performing an HTTP PUT of some new binary content to the EM-IRI, with the following requirements:
For example:
PUT EM-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Content-Type: application/zip Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Content-Length: [content length] Content-MD5: [md5-digest] Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=[filename] Packaging: http://purl.org/net/sword/package/METSDSpaceSIP On-Behalf-Of: jbloggs [request entity]
The requirements placed on the server here are:
Once the server has processed the request it MUST return an HTTP status code 200 (OK), or an appropriate error code.
The client can replace the metadata of a resource by performing an HTTP PUT of a new Atom Entry on the Edit-IRI. The client can only be sure that the server will support this process when using the default format supported by SWORD: Qualified Dublin Core XML embedded directly in the atom:entry. Other metadata formats MAY be supported by a particular server, but this is not covered by the SWORD profile.
For example:
PUT Edit-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Content-Type: application/atom+xml Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Content-Length: [content length] On-Behalf-Of: jbloggs <?xml version="1.0"?> <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"> <title>Title</title> <id>urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a</id> <updated>2005-10-07T17:17:08Z</updated> <author><name>Contributor</name></author> <summary type="text">The abstract</summary> <!-- some embedded metadata --> <dcterms:abstract>The abstract</dcterms:abstract> <dcterms:accessRights>Access Rights</dcterms:accessRights> <dcterms:alternative>Alternative Title</dcterms:alternative> <dcterms:available>Date Available</dcterms:available> <dcterms:bibliographicCitation>Bibliographic Citation</dcterms:bibliographicCitation> <dcterms:contributor>Contributor</dcterms:contributor> <dcterms:description>Description</dcterms:description> <dcterms:hasPart>Has Part</dcterms:hasPart> <dcterms:hasVersion>Has Version</dcterms:hasVersion> <dcterms:identifier>Identifier</dcterms:identifier> <dcterms:isPartOf>Is Part Of</dcterms:isPartOf> <dcterms:publisher>Publisher</dcterms:publisher> <dcterms:references>References</dcterms:references> <dcterms:rightsHolder>Rights Holder</dcterms:rightsHolder> <dcterms:source>Source</dcterms:source> <dcterms:title>Title</dcterms:title> <dcterms:type>Type</dcterms:type> </entry>
The requirements placed on the server here are:
Once the server has processed the request it MUST return an HTTP status code 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content), or an appropriate error code.
The client can replace both the metadata and content of a resource by performing an HTTP PUT on the Edit-IRI with a multipart mime message, as per Section 6.3.2. Creating a Resource with a Multipart Deposit
For example:
PUT Edit-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Content-Length: [content length] Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="===============1605871705=="; type="application/atom+xml" In-Progress: true On-Behalf-Of: jbloggs MIME-Version: 1.0 Media Post --===============1605871705== Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset="utf-8" Content-Disposition: attachment; name="atom" MIME-Version: 1.0 <?xml version="1.0"?> <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"> <title>Title</title> <id>urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a</id> <updated>2005-10-07T17:17:08Z</updated> <author><name>Contributor</name></author> <summary type="text">The abstract</summary> <!-- some embedded metadata --> <dcterms:abstract>The abstract</dcterms:abstract> <dcterms:accessRights>Access Rights</dcterms:accessRights> <dcterms:alternative>Alternative Title</dcterms:alternative> <dcterms:available>Date Available</dcterms:available> <dcterms:bibliographicCitation>Bibliographic Citation</dcterms:bibliographicCitation> <dcterms:contributor>Contributor</dcterms:contributor> <dcterms:description>Description</dcterms:description> <dcterms:hasPart>Has Part</dcterms:hasPart> <dcterms:hasVersion>Has Version</dcterms:hasVersion> <dcterms:identifier>Identifier</dcterms:identifier> <dcterms:isPartOf>Is Part Of</dcterms:isPartOf> <dcterms:publisher>Publisher</dcterms:publisher> <dcterms:references>References</dcterms:references> <dcterms:rightsHolder>Rights Holder</dcterms:rightsHolder> <dcterms:source>Source</dcterms:source> <dcterms:title>Title</dcterms:title> <dcterms:type>Type</dcterms:type> </entry> --===============1605871705== Content-Type: application/zip Content-Disposition: attachment; name=payload; filename=[filename] Packaging: http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip Content-MD5: [md5-digest] MIME-Version: 1.0 [...binary package data...] --===============1605871705==--
The requirements placed on the server here are:
Once the server has processed the request it MUST return an HTTP status code 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content), or an appropriate error code.
The client can remove all the content of a resource without removing the resource itself by issuing an HTTP DELETE request on the EM-IRI, with the following requirements:
For example:
DELETE EM-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== On-Behalf-Of: jbloggs
The requirements placed on the server here are:
Once the server has processed the request it MUST return an HTTP status code 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content), or an appropriate error code.
The client can add further packaged or binary content to a container, adding to existing content rather than overwriting, by issuing an HTTP POST to the SE-IRI, with the following requirements:
POST SE-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Content-Type: application/zip Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Content-Length: [content length] Content-MD5: [md5-digest] Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=[filename] Packaging: http://purl.org/net/sword/package/METSDSpaceSIP In-Progress: true On-Behalf-Of: jbloggs [request entity]
The requirements placed on the server here are:
Once the server has processed the request it SHOULD return a Deposit Receipt as described in Section 10: Deposit Receipt with the HTTP status code 200 (OK). The Deposit Receipt MUST be available under the Edit-IRI (Member Entry IRI), which the server MAY supply in the Location header.
For example:
200 OK Location: [Edit-IRI] [optional Deposit Receipt]
The client can update the metadata attached to a resource by issuing an HTTP POST of a new Atom Entry document containing metadata embedded as foreign markup, with the following requirements, to the SE-IRI:
POST SE-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=entry Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Content-Length: [content length] In-Progress: true On-Behalf-Of: jbloggs [entry document]
The requirements placed on the server here are:
Once the server has processed the request it SHOULD return a Deposit Receipt as described in Section 10: Deposit Receipt with the HTTP status code 200 (OK). The Deposit Receipt MUST be available under the Edit-IRI (Member Entry IRI), which the server MAY supply in the Location header.
For example:
200 OK Location: [Edit-IRI] [optional Deposit Receipt]
The client can add new content and update the metadata attached to a resource by issuing an HTTP POST of an Atom Multipart [AtomMultipart] document, with the following requirements, to the SE-IRI:
For example:
POST SE-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Content-Length: [content length] Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="===============1605871705=="; type="application/atom+xml" In-Progress: true On-Behalf-Of: jbloggs Slug: [suggested identifier] MIME-Version: 1.0 Media Post --===============1605871705== Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset="utf-8" Content-Disposition: attachment; name="atom" MIME-Version: 1.0 <?xml version="1.0"?> <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"> <title>Title</title> <id>urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a</id> <updated>2005-10-07T17:17:08Z</updated> <author><name>Contributor</name></author> <summary type="text">The abstract</summary> <!-- some embedded metadata --> <dcterms:abstract>The abstract</dcterms:abstract> <dcterms:accessRights>Access Rights</dcterms:accessRights> <dcterms:alternative>Alternative Title</dcterms:alternative> <dcterms:available>Date Available</dcterms:available> <dcterms:bibliographicCitation>Bibliographic Citation</dcterms:bibliographicCitation> <dcterms:contributor>Contributor</dcterms:contributor> <dcterms:description>Description</dcterms:description> <dcterms:hasPart>Has Part</dcterms:hasPart> <dcterms:hasVersion>Has Version</dcterms:hasVersion> <dcterms:identifier>Identifier</dcterms:identifier> <dcterms:isPartOf>Is Part Of</dcterms:isPartOf> <dcterms:publisher>Publisher</dcterms:publisher> <dcterms:references>References</dcterms:references> <dcterms:rightsHolder>Rights Holder</dcterms:rightsHolder> <dcterms:source>Source</dcterms:source> <dcterms:title>Title</dcterms:title> <dcterms:type>Type</dcterms:type> </entry> --===============1605871705== Content-Type: application/zip Content-Disposition: attachment; name=payload; filename=[filename] Packaging: http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip Content-MD5: [md5-digest] MIME-Version: 1.0 ...binary package data... --===============1605871705==--
The requirements placed on the server here are:
Once the server has processed the request it SHOULD return a Deposit Receipt as described in Section 10: Deposit Receipt with the HTTP status code 201 (Created). The Deposit Receipt MUST be available under the Edit-IRI (Member Entry IRI), which the server MAY supply in the Location header.
For example:
201 Created Location: [Edit-IRI] [optional Deposit Receipt]
The client can add more content to the Media Resource itself by performing an HTTP POST request on the EM-IRI. This has the effect of placing new files into the Media Resource itself.
This feature is for use when clients wish to send individual files to the server and to receive back the IRI for the created resource. POSTing to the SE-IRI will not give back the location of the deposited resource in the HTTP Location header, so in cases where the server does not provide the (optional) Deposit Receipt, it is not possible for the client to ascertain the location of the file actually deposited - the Location header in that operation is the Edit-IRI. By POSTing to the EM-IRI, the Location header will return the IRI of the deposited file itself, rather than that of the container.
As the EM-IRI represents the Media Resource itself, rather than the Container, this operation will not formally support metadata handling, and therefore also offers no explicit support for packaging either since packages may be both content and metadata. Nonetheless, for files which may contain extractable metadata, there is a Metadata-Relevant header which can be defined to indicate whether the deposit can be used to augment the metadata of the container.
When depositing packages, the best approach is to POST to the SE-IRI (See Sections 6.7.1, 6.7.2, 6.7.3), as POST to EM-IRI.
When carrying out this operation, the requirements for the client are:
POST EM-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Content-Type: application/pdf Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Content-Length: [content length] Content-MD5: [md5-digest] Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=[filename] On-Behalf-Of: jbloggs [request entity]
The requirements placed on the server here are:
Once the server has processed the request it is RECOMMENDED that it returns a Deposit Receipt as described in Section 10: Deposit Receipt with the HTTP status code 201 (Created). The server MAY, though, return any response which it feels appropriate, and this profile does not limit the response types in any way. Nonetheless, the server MUST include an HTTP Location header with the IRI of the created resource.
For example:
201 Created Location: [File-IRI] [optional Deposit Receipt]
The client can delete the entire object on the server by issuing an HTTP DELETE request on the Edit-IRI, with the following requirements:
DELETE Edit-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== On-Behalf-Of: jbloggs
The requirements placed on the server here are:
Once the server has processed the request is MUST respond with an HTTP status code 204 (No Content) and leave the response body empty.
The Statement can be found either embedded as foreign markup inside the Deposit Receipt, or can be retrieved by requesting the IRI provided in the atom:link@rel="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/statement" element. The format of the statement is identified by the type attribute of the atom:link@rel="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/statement" element and MUST be application/rdf+xml for an OAI-ORE Resource Map, or application/atom+xml;type=feed for an Atom Feed.
It MAY also be possible to content negotiate for the statement on the Edit-IRI. All negotiable formats MUST also be available as atom:link elements with @rel="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/statement".
For details on these serialisations see Section 11: The SWORD Statement.
During normal operation the SWORD server may respond to requests by the client with documents (such as the Statement) which contain IRIs for resources which are not formally covered by this profile. For example, the Statement may include IRIs to files unpacked from an original deposit package and made available independently. Or an implementation of a content management protocol such as CMIS [CMIS] or GData [GData] may provide IRIs for resources or collections of resources.
The following headers MAY be used by the client under the following conditions on any IRI outside of the scope of this profile, where the meanings of the headers are as defined in [SWORD001]:
Header | HTTP Method |
Packaging | POST, PUT |
Accept-Packaging | GET |
On-Behalf-Of | GET, POST, PUT, DELETE |
The client MUST NOT assume that a SWORD server will support these headers for arbitrary IRIs. It is likely that the use of these headers by the client will be through explicit agreement between client and server implementation pairs that these headers will be supported alongside any content management API implemented in addition to SWORD.
AtomPub uses the MIME mechanism to describe the data encoding for resources. This mechanism is inadequate where compound types are involved, such as tar archive files, METS packages, SCORM packages, MPEG21 DIDL packages etc. For example, a server might support certain METS profiles but not others. Other servers might be agnostic towards packaging, but support only certain contents within an archive.
In order to support package deposit and retrieval, SWORD uses the mechanisms described in [SWORD002] to extend AtomPub.
The SWORD Service Document uses the sword:acceptPackaging element from [SWORD002] to indicate that a SWORD collection will accept deposits of a particular packaging format.
Clients should refer to the sword:treatment description in the Service Document to find out the treatment for a particular packaging type.
Packages formats SHOULD be identified by a IRI (as per [SWORD002]), but MAY be identified by an arbitrary string.
If no sword:acceptPackaging element is supplied the client MUST assume that the server does not formally support any package formats, and should expect everything to be treated as per the server's policies with regard to the mimetype as per the app:accept element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding='utf-8'?> <service xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sword="http://purl.org/net/sword/" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"> <sword:version>2.0</sword:version> <workspace> <atom:title>Main Site</atom:title> <collection href="http://www.swordserver.org/atom/geography-collection" > <atom:title>My Repository : Geography Collection</atom:title> <accept>application/zip</accept> <sword:collectionPolicy>Collection Policy</sword:collectionPolicy> <dcterms:abstract>Collection description</dcterms:abstract> <sword:acceptPackaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/METSDSpaceSIP</sword:acceptPackaging> <sword:acceptPackaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/BagIt</sword:acceptPackaging> <sword:treatment>Treatment description</sword:treatment> </collection> </workspace> </service>
When creating Media Resources, the client SHOULD indicate the archive file MIME type using the HTTP Content-Type header, and SHOULD also give information about content packaging using the Packaging HTTP header [SWORD001].
The value of the Packaging header SHOULD match one of values the server has advertised as acceptable for the collection in the manner described in Section 7.1..
If a server receives a POST with an unacceptable Packaging header value, it MUST reject the POST by returning an HTTP response with a status code of 415 (Unsupported Media Type), or store the content without further processing (as per [SWORD001]).
POST Col-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Content-Type: application/zip Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Content-Length: [content length] Content-MD5: [md5-digest] Content-Disposition: filename=myDSpaceMETSItem.zip Packaging: http://purl.org/net/sword/package/METSDSpaceSIP User-Agent: MyJavaClient/0.1 Restlet/2.0
When describing packaged resources in Media Entry documents, servers MUST use the atom:content@type attribute to describe the MIME type of the resource, and MAY add sword:packaging elements to the atom:entry.
If the server does not supply any sword:packaging elements, the client MUST assume that the server only supports a simple zip file packaging format (See Section 5: IRIs).
<?xml version="1.0"?> <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sword="http://purl.org/net/sword/"> <title>My Deposit</title> <id>info:something:1</id> <updated>2008-08-18T14:27:08Z</updated> <author><name>jbloggs</name></author> <summary type="text">A summary</summary <generator uri="http://www.swordserver.org/engine" version="1.0"/> <content type="application/zip" src="http://swordapp.org/col-IRI/43/my_deposit/package.zip"/> <sword:packaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/METSDSpaceSIP</sword:packaging> <sword:packaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/BagIt</sword:packaging> <link rel="edit" href="http://swordapp.org/col-IRI/43/my_deposit.atom" /> </entry>
Clients and servers SHOULD use IRIs to communicate about package types, and MAY use IRIs registered under the SWORD namespace. To register a new IRI in the SWORD namespace, please contact the SWORD team at the contact details at the bottom of this document. Registration of package IRIs under the SWORD namespace is strictly OPTIONAL.
In [AtomPub] Section 14, implementations MUST support HTTP Basic Authentication in conjunction with a TLS connection. The SWORD Profile relaxes this requirement: SWORD client and server implementations SHOULD be capable of being configured to use HTTP Basic Authentication [RFC2617] in conjunction with a TLS connection as specified by [RFC2818].
In a number of situations the authenticated user using a SWORD client is not the owner of the deposited resource. SWORD provides a way of representing this usage by allowing clients to set a HTTP header field On-Behalf-Of which, if present SHOULD contain a user principle for the owner of the resource. It is also possible to use this SWORD mediation mechanism for situations such as non-interactive batch deposit in which the authenticated user is a software acting on behalf of a user.
The mediation technique described by SWORD is not intrinsically secure - it is assumed that trust between the owning user and the mediating user will be established by extending SWORD, or outside the scope of a resource creation, using a mechanism such as that described by [OAUTH].
SWORD servers SHOULD indicate whether they support mediated deposit by including a sword:mediation element containing a text element of either true or false in app:collection elements in Service Documents.
Clients SHOULD use the On-Behalf-Of header when retrieving Service Documents if they intend to use the feature for resource creation. Servers MAY use this header information along with authentication and any other information in constructing the Service Document representation returned. For example, the server might include only collections to which the On-Behalf-Of can deposit.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding='utf-8'?> <service xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sword="http://purl.org/net/sword/" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"> <sword:version>2.0</sword:version> <workspace> <atom:title>Main Site</atom:title> <collection href="http://swordapp.org/col-IRI/43" > <atom:title>Collection 43</atom:title> <accept>application/xml</accept> <accept>application/zip</accept> <accept>application/atom+xml</accept> <sword:collectionPolicy>Collection Policy</sword:collectionPolicy> <dcterms:abstract>Collection description</dcterms:abstract> <sword:mediation>true</sword:mediation> <sword:treatment>treatment description</sword:treatment> <sword:packaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/BagIt</sword:packaging> </collection> </workspace> </service>
In all cases (mediated or not) where a user has authenticated to make a deposit, servers SHOULD preserve the user's identity in the sword:depositedBy property of the SWORD Statement. In mediated deposit, the value given in the On-Behalf-Of header SHOULD be used for the value of the sword:depositedOnBehalfOf property of the SWORD Statement. See Section 11: The SWORD Statement for details of the serialisation.
As scholarly systems may wish to give the client more control over the publishing process, SWORD uses the In-Progress HTTP header [SWORD001] to allow the client to indicate that a deposit should not yet be injected into any post-submission or pre-publication workflow. The In-Progress header MUST take the value true or false, and if it is not present the server MUST assume that it is false and behave as described below.
An example use case for this is that the client may be embedded into a system which uses the SWORD server as a storage layer, but which cannot acquire all of the content for a "finished" item in one deposit operation. Consider a user-facing system which encourages users to upload files one at a time through some web interface, which causes each file to be directly deposited onto the SWORD server. In each case, the client would assert the deposit is still In-Progress until the user confirms that they have uploaded all the relevant files, or navigates away from the page. At that stage, the client can issue a blank HTTP POST request to the SWORD server, with In-Progress: false to complete the deposit.
If In-Progress is false, the server MUST assume that it can carry on processing the deposit or deletion as it sees fit.
If In-Progress is true, the server SHOULD expect the client to provide further updates to the item some undetermined time in the future. Details of how this is implemented is dependent on the server's purpose. For example, a repository system may hold items which are marked In-Progress in a workspace until such time as a client request indicates that the deposit is complete.
The client can assert that a deposit process has completed by issuing an HTTP POST to the SE-IRI with a blank message body and with the In-Progress header set to false (it may simply omit the header altogether too, as this is treated as In-Progress: false by the server).
POST SE-IRI HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA== Content-Length: 0 User-Agent: MyJavaClient/0.1 Restlet/2.0 In-Progress: false
If In-Progress is false, the server MUST assume that it can carry on processing the deposit or deletion as it sees fit.
On successfully accepting a POST (deposit), implementers SHOULD return an Atom Entry Document with the HTTP response. The Atom Entry Document is known in SWORD as the Deposit Receipt must conform to the following conditions:
For example:
<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sword="http://purl.org/net/sword/"> <title>My Deposit</title> <id>info:something:1</id> <updated>2008-08-18T14:27:08Z</updated> <summary type="text">A summary</summary> <generator uri="http://www.myrepository.ac.uk/sword-plugin" version="1.0"/> <!-- the item's metadata --> <dcterms:abstract>The abstract</dcterms:abstract> <dcterms:accessRights>Access Rights</dcterms:accessRights> <dcterms:alternative>Alternative Title</dcterms:alternative> <dcterms:available>Date Available</dcterms:available> <dcterms:bibliographicCitation>Bibliographic Citation</dcterms:bibliographicCitation> <dcterms:contributor>Contributor</dcterms:contributor> <dcterms:description>Description</dcterms:description> <dcterms:hasPart>Has Part</dcterms:hasPart> <dcterms:hasVersion>Has Version</dcterms:hasVersion> <dcterms:identifier>Identifier</dcterms:identifier> <dcterms:isPartOf>Is Part Of</dcterms:isPartOf> <dcterms:publisher>Publisher</dcterms:publisher> <dcterms:references>References</dcterms:references> <dcterms:rightsHolder>Rights Holder</dcterms:rightsHolder> <dcterms:source>Source</dcterms:source> <dcterms:title>Title</dcterms:title> <dcterms:type>Type</dcterms:type> <sword:verboseDescription>Verbose description</sword:verboseDescription> <sword:treatment>Unpacked. JPEG contents converted to JPEG2000.</sword:treatment> <link rel="alternate" href="http://www.swordserver.ac.uk/col1/mydeposit.html"/> <content type="application/zip" src="http://www.swordserver.ac.uk/col1/mydeposit"/> <link rel="edit-media" href="http://www.swordserver.ac.uk/col1/mydeposit"/> <link rel="edit" href="http://www.swordserver.ac.uk/col1/mydeposit.atom" /> <link rel="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/add" href="http://www.swordserver.ac.uk/col1/mydeposit.atom" /> <sword:packaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/BagIt</sword:packaging> <link rel="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/originalDeposit" type="application/zip" href="http://www.swordserver.ac.uk/col1/mydeposit/package.zip"/> <link rel="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/derivedResource" type="application/pdf" href="http://www.swordserver.ac.uk/col1/mydeposit/file1.pdf"/> <link rel="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/derivedResource" type="application/pdf" href="http://www.swordserver.ac.uk/col1/mydeposit/file2.pdf"/> <link rel="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/statement" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" href="http://www.swordserver.ac.uk/col1/mydeposit.feed"/> <link rel="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/statement" type="application/rdf+xml" href="http://www.swordserver.ac.uk/col1/mydeposit.rdf"/> <rdf:RDF> <!-- OAI-ORE serialisation of Statement here --> </rdf:RDF> </entry>
The Statement is a document or region of the Deposit Receipt which describes two features of the object as it appears on the server:
All predicates used by the statement in any of its serialisations are defined here, and all exist under the sword namespace:
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/originalDeposit
This is used to indicate the IRI of a resource on the server which was an original deposit package. This allows the client to easily identify any packages which form the basis of the original deposit among other parts of the object which may be derived from the original.
In XML this may be serialised as:
In RDF/XML this can be serialised as as:
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/state
This is used to supply the IRI representing the state of an item on the server. This can be any IRI, and is not constrained to any ontology. This can be used in combination with sword:stateDescription to provide more details to the client.
In XML this may be serialised as:
In RDF/XML this can be serialised as:
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/packaging
This is used to identify the packaging format of a resource. Particularly, if used in conjunction with sword:originalDeposit, this can be used to indicate the package format that an original deposit package used.
In XML this may be serialised as:
<sword:originalDeposit href="http://location/of/deposit"> <sword:packaging>http://sword/packaging/</sword:packaging> </sword:originalDeposit>
In RDF/XML this can be serialised as:
<sword:originalDepsit rdf:resource="http://location/of/deposit"/> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://location/of/deposit"> <sword:packaging rdf:resource="http://sword/packaging/"/> </rdf:Description>
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/depositedOn
This is used to provide a user who was responsible for depositing an original sword package. The use credentials may just be the username of the depositor, but the server is free to add further details where necessary.
In XML this may be serialised as:
<sword:originalDeposit href="http://location/of/deposit"> <sword:depositedOn>2011-01-01T00:00:00Z</sword:depositedOn> </sword:originalDeposit>
In RDF/XML this may be serialised as
<sword:originalDepsit rdf:resource="http://location/of/deposit"/> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://location/of/deposit"> <sword:depositedOn rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime">2011-01-01T00:00:00Z</sword:depositedOn> </rdf:Description>
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/depositedBy
This is used to provide a user who was responsible for depositing an original sword package. The use credentials may just be the username of the depositor, but the server is free to add further details where necessary.
In XML this may be serialised as:
<sword:originalDeposit href="http://location/of/deposit"> <sword:depositedBy>jbloggs</sword:depositedBy> </sword:originalDeposit>
In RDF/XML this may be serialised as
<sword:originalDepsit rdf:resource="http://location/of/deposit"/> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://location/of/deposit"> <sword:depositedBy>jbloggs</sword:depositedBy> </rdf:Description>
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/depositedOnBehalfOf
This is used to provide the user for whom the original sword package was deposited on behalf of. The use credentials may just be the username of the depositor, but the server is free to add further details where necessary.
In XML this may be serialised as:
<sword:originalDeposit href="http://location/of/deposit"> <sword:depositedOnBehalfOf>jbloggs</sword:depositedOnBehalfOf> </sword:originalDeposit>
In RDF/XML this may be serialised as
<sword:originalDepsit rdf:resource="http://location/of/deposit"/> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://location/of/deposit"> <sword:depositedOnBehalfOf>jbloggs</sword:depositedOnBehalfOf> </rdf:Description>
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/stateDescription
This is used to provide a human readable description of the state that the item is in on the server. This is used in conjunction with the sword:state to provide additional details for the client to use in its interface with the end user.
In XML this may be serialised as:
<sword:state href="http://sword/state"> <sword:stateDescription>The item has passed through the workflow and is now archived</sword:stateDescription> </sword:state>
In RDF/XML this may be serialised as
<sword:state rdf:resource="http://sword/state"/> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://sword/state"> <sword:stateDescription>The item has passed through the workflow and is now archived</sword:stateDescription> </rdf:Description>
The SWORD statement can be provided as an OAI-ORE Resource [OAIORE] Map with sword extensions. For an RDF document to comply with the requirements of the SWORD statement it needs to meet the following requirements but is not constrained in any way as to what additional data is provided alongside. As such, it is expected that the SWORD statement may be included with existing RDF serialisations of objects provided by the server.
The responsibilities of the server are:
For example:
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:ore="http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/"> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://localhost:8080/edit-IRI/43/my_deposit"> <ore:describes rdf:resource="http://localhost:8080/agg-IRI/43/my_deposit"/> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://localhost:8080/agg-IRI/43/my_deposit"> <ore:isDescribedBy rdf:resource="http://localhost:8080/edit-IRI/43/my_deposit"/> <ore:aggregates rdf:resource="http://localhost:8080/part-IRI/43/my_deposit/example.zip"/> <sword:originalDeposit rdf:resource="http://localhost:8080/part-IRI/43/my_deposit/example.zip"/> <sword:state rdf:resource="http://purl.org/net/sword/state/archived"/> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://localhost:8080/part-IRI/43/my_deposit/example.zip"> <sword:packaging rdf:resource="http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip"/> <sword:depositedOn rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime"> 2011-02-25T14:40:09Z </sword:depositedOn> <sword:depositedBy rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"> sword </sword:depositedBy> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://purl.org/net/sword/state/archived"> <sword:stateDescription> The work has passed through review and is now in the archive </sword:stateDescription> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF>
The client's responsibilities are:
The SWORD statement can be provided as an Atom Feed [Atom] with sword extensions. For an Atom Feed document to comply with the requirements of the SWORD statement it needs to meet the following requirements but is not constrained in any way as to what additional data is provided alongside. As such, it is expected that the SWORD statement may be included with existing serialisations provided by the server, such as with any GData [GData] extensions.
The responsibilities of the server are:
For example:
<atom:feed xmlns:sword="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> <sword:state href="http://purl.org/net/sword/state/archived"> <sword:stateDescription> The work has passed through review and is now in the archive </sword:stateDescription> </sword:state> <atom:entry> <atom:category scheme="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/" term="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/originalDeposit" label="Orignal Deposit"/> <atom:content type="application/zip" src="http://localhost:8080/part-IRI/43/my_deposit/example.zip"/> <sword:packaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip</sword:packaging> <sword:depositedOn>2011-03-02T20:50:06Z</sword:depositedOn> <sword:depositedBy>sword</sword:depositedBy> <sword:depositedOnBehalfOf>jbloggs</sword:depositedBy> </atom:entry> </atom:feed>
The client's responsibilities are:
SWORD adds a new class of document to [AtomPub] that gives server implementations the ability to describe error conditions more fully than HTTP response codes allow, as per [SWORD003]. If a server is reporting an error condition in response to a resource POST, it SHOULD also return a document with a root element of sword:error. The sword:error element SHOULD have an href attribute containing a IRI that identifies the error. Errors in the SWORD namespace are reserved and legal values are enumerated below. Implementations MAY define their own errors, but MUST use a different namespace to do so.
The sword:error element MAY contain any of the elements normally used in Entry Documents, but all fields are OPTIONAL
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/error/ErrorContent
The supplied format is not the same as that identified in the Packaging header and/or that supported by the server
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/error/ErrorChecksumMismatch
Checksum sent does not match the calculated checksum. The server MUST also return a status code of 412 Precondition Failed
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/error/ErrorBadRequest
Some parameters sent with the POST were not understood. The server MUST also return a status code of 400 Bad Request.
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/error/TargetOwnerUnknown
Used in mediated deposit when the server does not know the identity of the On-Behalf-Of user.
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/error/MediationNotAllowed
Used where a client has attempted a mediated deposit, but this is not supported by the server. The server MUST also return a status code of 412 Precondition Failed.
IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/error/MethodNotAllowed
Used when the client has attempted one of the HTTP update verbs (POST, PUT, DELETE) but the server has decided not to respond to such requests on the specified resource at that time. The server MUST also return a status code of 405 Method Not Allowed
HTTP 1.1 400 Bad Request <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <sword:error xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sword="http://purl.org/net/sword/" xmlns:arxiv="http://arxiv.org/schemas/atom" href="http://example.org/errors/BadManifest"> <author> <name>Example repository</name> </author> <title>ERROR</title> <updated>2008-02-19T09:34:27Z</updated> <generator uri="https://example.org/sword-app/" version="0.9">sword@example.org</generator> <summary>The manifest could be parsed, but was not valid - no technical metadata was provided.</summary> <sword:treatment>processing failed</sword:treatment> <link rel="alternate" href="https://arxiv.org/help" type="text/html"/> </sword:error>
AtomPub makes no recommendations on the discovery of Service Documents. SWORD RECOMMENDS that server implementations use:
<html:link rel="sword" href="[Service Document URL]"/>
in the head of a relevant HTML document to assist with service discovery.
[Atom] Nottingham, M. and R. Sayre, "The Atom Syndication Format", RFC 4287, December 2005. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4287.txt
[AtomMultipart] Gregario, J, et al "AtomPub Multipart Media Resource Creation", September 2008. http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-gregorio-atompub-multipart-04
[AtomPub] Gregario, J. and B. de hOra, "The Atom Publishing Protocol", RFC 5023, October 2007. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5023.txt (see also non-normative html version at http://bitworking.org/projects/atom/rfc5023.html)
[CMIS] Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) Version 1.0. http://docs.oasis-open.org/cmis/CMIS/v1.0/cs01/cmis-spec-v1.0.html
[DublinCore] DCMI Metadata Terms. http://www.dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/
[GData] Google Documents List API. http://code.google.com/apis/documents/docs/developers_guide.html
[OAUTH] Atwood, A., Conlan, R. et al OAuth Core 1.0 http://oauth.net/core/1.0/, December 2007
[OAIORE] Lagoze, C., Van de Sompel, H et al, Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange, http://www.openarchives.org/ore/, June 2008
[RDF] Resource Description Framework. http://www.w3.org/RDF/
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